It was about time that I studied simplifying shapes in my rendering, working on my brush economy. This one was one of the latest of my attempts at it within that period.

Precursor to my attempts at studying different angles and styles from the portrait photography references, was sort of an epiphany at the time.

Dabbling around, experimenting doesn’t end anywhere. Constant shift of value changes and working around grouping of the values is just the tip of the iceberg.

Scratching that academic looking shading itch where you get to almost highlight the terminator line and look all fancy doing it. Classic.

Referencing anninosart’s rendering style, i have painted Mads Mikkelsen this time around. Keeping the rendering as subtle as possible while making it work with as little brushwork as I could push it. Love the result.

After just a little time of my first epiphany of making color work in digital, around the beginning of 2022, I managed to push these out there. Respectively I’ve drawn Aoife Louise Rosso and Tamino Amir here, whom I thought looked really of characteristic nature. These were amongst my favorites in a period of time where I got to start to enjoy my adventure along the digital art path.